BEAF STEAK DERGA Bahan-Bahan: 600 gm daging lembu 300 gm kentang 4 labu bawang besar 4 sudu teh tepung gandum 4 sudu besar minyak 8 sudu besar air ½ sudu teh serbuk lada 4 biji telur ayam 1 tin kecil kacang peas 1 pokok daun saderi 1 pokok daun bawang Garam secukup rasa Cara: Potong daging 5 cm x 2.5 cm dan bersihkan. Potong kentang nipis-nipis dan potong bawang besar secara lereng. Pukul telur hingga hancur. Celup daging di dalam telur. Panaskan kuali dengan 3 sudu besar minyak dan goreng daging hingga empuk. Ketepikan. Di dalam minyak yang sama goreng kentang dan bawang besar. Angkat dan ketepikan. Bancuh tepung gandum dengan air. Kacau rata-rata supaya tepung tidak berketul. Panaskan 1 sudu besar minyak. Masukkan bancuhan tepung. Kacau selalu. Masukkan kacang peas, bawang besar goreng, kentang goreng dan serbuk lada. Kacau seketika. Sebelum diangkat taburkan daun bawang dan daun saderi. Letakkan daging di dalam pinggan. Tuangkan kuah ke atas daging rata-rata

Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.01 Title: Rogig (Grape Walnut Candy) Categories: Armenian, Candies Yield: 1 servings 3 qt Grape juice 3 c Flour 3 c Sugar 1 c Cornstarch 3/4 c Corn syrup Walnut halves First, string the walnut halves on thread. Using medium to heavy cotton thread, cut thread to about 24 inches long. With a thin needle, carefully pass the thread through the walnut halves, leaving some extra string exposed on either end. Knot both ends of the string. Blend flour, sugar, cornstarch and corn syrup. Add juice and mix until smooth. Pour half of the mixture into a large, heavy saucepan, bring to a boil and boil, stirring constantly, until mixture is thick. Remove from heat. Dip one string of walnuts at a time into the hot grape juice mixture several times, and let the excess coating drip into the pan. Transfer the walnuts to a drying rack - you can rig up a rack by propping a broom handle between two chairs; place a pan and newspapers underneath to catch the drips - and dry overnight. Reserve leftover cooked grape mixture. The next day, cook the remaining grape mixture. Pass the remaining mixture through a sieve and add to the grape mixture in the pan. Dip the walnuts several more times in the hot grape mixture. Hang to dry several days in a dark, cool place. To store or serve, remove walnuts from the string and rll rogig in powdered sugar. Store in a covered jar or tin. NOTE: White grape juice or other fruit juices such as pear or apple can be used.


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